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Our minister is Ian McLean. People find Ian warm, friendly and engaging. Ian came to ministry after a lengthy career in the Federal Government. He completed his training in Diaconal Ministry from the Centre of Christian Studies in Winnipeg in 2017 and was Commissioned by the United Church shortly afterwards.
Pastor Ian brings to us a passion for people and social justice issues. He speaks from the heart about God's loving spirit in the world today.
Our Board consist of:
Minister: Ian McLean
Chair: rotating /collaborative model
Secretary & Worship: Louise Corbeil
Treasurer: Lynn Leith
Trustee: Chris Scowen
Ministry & Personnel: Shirley Mae Jeffrey
Ministry & Personnel: Valerie Frederiksen
Ministry & Personnel: Gail Abernethy
Hospitality & Worship: Barbie Rattray
Bargain Bin Chair: Brenda Tim
Member-at-large: Bob Hewer
Member-at-large: Dorothy Werklund
Several committees support the leadership of the Community of Faith
All of the members of our faith community are an essential part of our leadership. Everyone participates in decision-making, worship leadership, outreach and pastoral care. We are all "in ministry" together.